Pirates of the Cornmeal, heed this call to arms! Check here for more details as they develop.
P.S. There will be fancy beer mustards.
P.P.S. The Captain runs a beverage-savvy crew, wink wink.
REGISTER HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/captain-corndog-a-one-day-popup-tickets-45729415914?aff=ehomecard
The following note was found in a stoppered empty bottle, floating in Lake Michigan:
"A recent Chicago Tribune article mourned the death of the traditional corn dog. The Chicago-style dog still thrives, but our city has moved on. The true artisans are dead or retired, their fryers silent and their sacks of cornmeal forgotten, pallet-stacked sentries bearing witness to the death of an art form. There's no one left to bear the corn dog standard.
Legends tell of a solitary rogue who sails the seas of beer mustard, frying perfect corndogs and fighting for freedom. Captain Corndog, defender of the encased realm, privateer of pickled sport peppers - hunted tirelessly by his vicious arch-nemesis Admiral Ketchup.
What's more, Captain Corndog has heard the desperate cries of the Chicago snacking elite. And he's bringing the fight for glory to Chicago.
And while the beef is kosher, pirate hot dog stands are probably not as far as the city goes. So he'll DEFINITELY NOT BE RUNNING A SECRET CORN DOG STAND, but he will provide you a map to find his secret treasure from the hours of 4 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. on June 1st. Cough cough.
The corn dog isn't dead - but it is battered. DO YOU SEE WHAT WE DID THERE. Do your part to join the fight!"